


ポール・ド・マン記号論とレトリック 下」『現代思想』1981年8月号(柄谷行人訳)

Yeats's poem is not explicitly "about" rhetorical questions but about images or metaphors, and about the possibility of convergence between experiences of consciousness such as memory or emotions - what the poem calls passion, piety, and affection - and entities accessible to the senses such as bodies, persons, or icons. We return to the inside/outside model from which we started out and which the poem puts into question by means of a syntactical device (the question) made to operate on a grammatical as well as on a rhetorical level. The couple grammar/rhetoric, certainly not a binary opposition since they in no way exclude each other, disrupts and confuses the neat antithesis of the inside/outside pattern. We can transfer this scheme to the act of reading and interpretation. By reading we get, as we say, inside a text that was first something alien to us and which we now make our own by an act of understanding. But this understanding becomes at once the representation of an extra-textual meaning; in Austin's terms, the illocutionary sppech act becomes a perlocutionary actual act - in Frege's terms, Bedeutung becomes Sinn. Our recurrent question is whether this transformation is semantically controlled along grammatical or along rhetorical lines. Does the metaphor of reading really unite outer meaning with inner understanding, action with reflection, into one single totality? The assertion is powerfully and suggestively made in a passage from Proust that describes the young Marcel, near the beginning of Combray, hiding in the closed space of his room in order to read. The example differs from the earlier ones in that we are not dealing with a grammatical structure that also functions rhetirically but have instead the representation, the dramatization, in terms of the experience of a subject, of a rhetirical structure - just as, in many other passages, Proust dramatizes tropes by means of landscapes or descriptions of objects. The figure here dramatized by the act of reading. The reading scene is the culmination of a series of actions taking place in enclosed spaces and leading up to the "dark coolness" of Marcel's room.

 しかし、この理解はただちにテクスト外的な意味の再現(表象)(リプレゼンテーション)となる。オースティンのことばでいえば、発語内的(イロキューショナリー)なスピーチは発語媒介的(パーロキューショナリー)な実際行為となる――フレーゲのことばでいえば、意義()が意義()となる。くりかえし生じるわれわれの疑問は、この変形が意味論的にいって、文法的な方向(ライン)に沿ってコントロールされているのか、レトリックな方向に沿ってコントロールされているのかということである。読解(リーディング)というメタファーは、本当に、外的な意味と内的な理解を、行為と反省を、一つの全体性に統一するだろうか? そのことは、”読むこと”の経験をそのような統一として描くプルーストの一節において、力強く示唆的に主張されている。それは、コンブレーの始まりあたりで、読むために自分の部屋の閉ざされた空間に隠れる、若いマルセルを描いている。この例は、先の例とは次の点でちがっている。ここでわれわれは、レトリカルにも機能するような文法的構造をあつかうのではなく、その代りに、主体の経験という意味において、レトリカルな構造の再現(リプレゼンテーション)、劇化(ドラマタイゼーション)を扱うのである。ちょうど、他の多くの節において、プルーストが風景あるいは対象物の描写によって比喩(トロープ)を劇化(ドラマタイズ)するように。ここでドラマタイズされた比喩(フィギュア)は、メタファーの比喩、すなわち読むという行為によって表象されるような「内部‐外部」の一致である。読む場面は、閉ざされた空間におこり、マルセルの”部屋のほの暗い涼しさ”に導かれるような一連の行為の極点である。

I had stretched out on my bed, with a book, in my room which sheltered, tremblingly, its transparent and fragile coolness from the aftgernoon sun, behind the almost closed blinds through which a glimmer of daylight had nevertheless menaged to push its yellow wings, remaining motionless between the wood and the glass, in a corner, poised like a butterfly. It was hardly light enough to read, and the sensation of the light's splendor was given me only by the noise of Camus . . . hammering dusty crates; resounding in the sonorous atmosphere that is peculiar to hot weather, they seemed to spark off scarlet stars; and also by the files executing their little concert, the chamber music of summer: evocative not in the manner of a human tune that, heard perchance during the summer, afterwards reminds you of it but connected to summer by a more necessary link: born from beautiful days, resurrecting only when they return, containing some of their essence, it does not only awaken their image in our memory; it guarantees their return, their actual, persistent, unmediated presence.
The dark coolness of my room related to the full sunlight of the street as the shadow relates to the ray of light, that is to say it was just as luminous and it gave my imagenation the total spectacle of the summer, whereas my senses, if I had been on a walk, could only have enjoyed it by fragments; it matched my repose which (thanks to the adventures told by my book and stirring my tranquility) supported, like the quiet of a motionless hand in the middle of a running brook thw shock and the motion of a torrent of activity. [Swann's Way. Paris: Pleiade, 1954, p.83.]


失われた時を求めて 1 第1篇 スワン家のほうへ ちくま文庫

ロベスピエール/毛沢東―革命とテロル 河出文庫
スラヴォイ・ジジェク 長原豊松本潤一郎 訳

